Sunday, August 9, 2015

Calling all VOUNTEERS!

Volunteers, we need you.

We cannot pull of an event of this size off successfully without EVERYONE'S help. Even if you cannot sign up for a shift, you can still help with clean up and keeping everyone safe. Together we can create a happy environment for everyone to feel safe and have a good time.

But, really, we need you. Here is the link to the volunteer sign up site:
If you have questions about your shift please contact your team lead.

Being a volunteer is fun and a great way to meet people. Work with a friend, spouse, love or child. We accept all volunteers regardless of age or experience. Teens can volunteer; however, those under 12 need to work with a parent and may only be considered a "half" volunteer. But it is a good opportunity to teach our children how to help others and work a large event. Teens can work all shifts except for the medical shifts. Medical shift volunteers MUST be sober and alert, thank you.

SOMETHING NEW: Prime shifts

Filling all of our shifts, especially with uniques is hard. So this year we are offering an incentive. Those that are able to attend an orientation meeting and make their PRIME shift will get $20 back at the volunteer appreciation party. Prime shifts are those during busy hours that are hard to fill. We HAVE to have those shifts filed and we greatly appreciate those who step up.

Orientation meeting: September 2nd, 6pm at Fort Buenaventura, meet at the Trader Row Pavilion (this pavilion is kinda in the center of the park just before the bridge, near parking) If you cannot make this meeting contact your team lead.

Sweet schhhwaaag and stuff:
Volunteer t-shirts will be at the medical tent. Sizes are limited, so come early. All volunteers who make their shift will get a FallEQ 2015 t-shirt and are invited to the volunteer appreciation party. For the party we usually spend about $600 on BBQ and buy about 120 beers, all ages are welcome, it is a fun time and a good chance to discuss things that worked and things that did not work. If there are any extra t-shirts those will be given out as well and maybe even a gift, last year we gave out plate/cup/utensil camp sets.

Tickets: volunteering does not earn a free pass. This event costs thousands of dollars and everyone contributes. But this year, after you buy your ticket and work your shift(s) you'll get a reward. But don't forget to buy your ticket and they are cheaper in advance.

Sign up! Thank you, thank you, thank you....